Compress EPS file

Easily and quickly reduce the size of your EPS files online!

You have the ability to choose up to 20 images in EPS format by selecting them from your folders or by directly dragging them into the "drag & drop" area. In addition to EPS image compression, you can convert your files to other formats by choosing the desired format from the dropdown menu titled "Output Extension".
After importing your files, please wait until the compression and/or conversion of your EPS images is complete.

You can download the compressed EPS images one by one or download a ZIP archive that gathers all your compressed EPS files.

i Changing the compression ratio parameter (image compression) has no effect on the compression of an EPS image, the compression will always be the same; This parameter will be useful and effective if you convert your EPS file to another format (PNG, JPEG, GIF...).

How to compress an EPS image online?

Our EPS compressor is a 100% free tool and does not require registration or software installation. You are therefore free to use this tool to compress or convert as many EPS format photos as you wish, with no watermark or branding added to your images.

  1. Choose the compression rate you want to apply to your images before starting the online upload (this option is usable if you convert your EPS images to another format, as the choice of compression ratio for an EPS file will have no impact):
    • Best quality: Light compression will be applied to your image to prioritize visual quality.
    • Best compression: Compression level applied to your photos by default, offering a compromise between significant compression and good image quality.
    • Compression rate choice: You can choose a compression level between 1 (maximum compression) and 100 (no compression) and adjust the ideal level to find the right balance between image quality and file size.
  2. Upload the EPS photos you wish to compress/convert by clicking the « ADD IMAGES » button or by dragging and dropping files directly into the drop zone.
  3. Please wait for a moment while your EPS images are processed. Once an image is compressed, you will be able to see the compression level on the thumbnail, the weight before and after compression, as well as the percentage of storage space reduction achieved.
  4. Adjust the compression rate if you wish for a specific image. Click on a thumbnail and use the slider to adjust the compression rate and image quality. When you are satisfied with the image quality and compression, confirm the changes by clicking « OK » (this is applicable if you are converting your EPS image, as this format unfortunately cannot be displayed directly on a web page, and the choice of compression rate has no impact on the EPS format).
  5. Download your EPS images once you are satisfied with the compression and quality of each image by clicking the « DOWNLOAD ALL IMAGES » button to get a ZIP archive containing all your compressed photos. You can also download each image individually by clicking the « DOWNLOAD » button located on each thumbnail.

To compress additional EPS images online, press the « DELETE ALL » button to clear the current photos and start the process again. Thanks to our EPS compression tool, easily reduce the size of EPS photos while maintaining good image quality.
